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Differences of working culture between Multinational Corporations (MNC) & Small & Medium Enterprise (SME)

When it comes to working culture and practice, regardless of MNC or SME, both are significantly different from one another. MNC’s are all about being proper and following a process whereby SME are all about working hard and having fun at the same time. There are 3 important decision that one are to be made in your life and choosing the right job is one of them. At below, we shall discuss and differentiate both of the culture at MNC or SME.


1. Resources

MNC can offer their employees “more,” because of their mass resources for example higher in salaries, bonuses and some of them even subsidy or share a part of their employees’ insurance. MNC may also contribute more to employee training and not just internal training as well as outside professional development like sending employees to overseas conferences and training sessions so they can learn and develop new skills.

2. Obvious Structure

When you step foot in MNC , it’s like taking part in a machine that has been around for long time with clear-cut procedures in place to help you make decisions . With all the set training and policy guide around , you will get to learn all the things that you need to do know for your job scope .

3. Diverse work force and community

Generally bigger the corporation, the more diverse it will be and with diversity in the workplace, employees can be beneficial from both a professional perspective. You’ll be meeting a broad range of people with hugely varied skillsets, and from a personal perspective, in that there’s a large pool of people to make friends with and mingle with.

4. Office Perks

MNC often have extra perks for employees, from subsidized gym memberships to social events. Plus the availability of good food, refreshments within the campus are specialties of MNCs that keep the spirit and momentum of the working team up at all time.


1. Cohesive work environment

In small business, employees have to be in regular collaboration with colleagues from other departments while putting your hand at many different roles, which eventually beefs up different skill sets. For example, you might be working in the sales department of a start up, but in the time of leading up to a product launch, you could be participating with everything from research to design and maybe even , minor decision marking.

2. Visible achievement

Unlike large corporations, your effort and success at small business can be seen by everyone and this makes you easier to distinguish yourself with others by achieving certain mileage at your company. By working at small company, your abilities and gain references and reputation can follow you for years and it’s also a great path way to higher up .

3. Innovate and creative

Working in a small company means having the ability to innovate in order to steal a march on rivals, given the level of competitiveness of the trading environment. Ideas are easily be heard and used at SME as there are less barrier and suppression from top , hence , people are tend to be more creative that generates more innovation ideas and perspective at their field of work .

4. Flexibility

Small company often have more flexibility in how projects are carried out as there isn’t as much bureaucracy, so ideas and projects can usually be implemented faster and efficiently. Small business can too offer flexibility, too, and many savvy small business owners dangle perks such as flexible scheduling and telecommuting opportunities to highly qualified workers to make up for lower salaries or smaller bonuses.

Regardless of MNC or SME , there are always pros and cons on the working culture . It’s always crucial to take into consideration the following which are your preferred working style, your career objectives, and the stage of life you’re at. After all, your preferences may vary at different stages of your career so it’s always important to seek out the organization that best matches those needs.